Life’s a Beach

Why is being at the beach so good for my soul? I’d been carless for about a week (don’t ask!) and while I’m within walking distance of all the necessary amenities – post office, library, vet, pet shop, corner shop etc, the one place I couldn’t easily walk to was the beach and that really upset me to feel so cut off from it. So when my car was fixed yesterday the first place I promised myself I’d go to was the water’s edge.

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It’s 9.00am and I’m sitting outside with a free coffee (those loyalty cards really pay off!) from the beach side cafe, watching a Cormorant sitting on a groyne drying its wings. Dogs of all shapes and sizes walking past me, dog walkers of all shapes and sizes walking past me. A lady at the next table glancing over at me, probably visually disturbed at the bright fuchsia colour of my fountain pen ink against the white paper.


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The horizon out to sea is one lovely long unbroken line from east to west. I can’t see France from here but I can see clouds ranging in colour from pure snowy white to steely blue gray. The sun is weak but getting stronger poking through the clouds as it travels across the sky.


The cafe is starting to fill up with weekenders sauntering in to order their breakfasts. All the dogs here (it’s a dog friendly cafe) are ever hopeful of snaffling bacon sandwiches from their owners or other sympathetic diners.

I can be full of tension, nerves stretched tight like a drum skin but half an hour walking along the shore listening to the waves rolling in leaves me calm and I don’t consider it a proper walk unless I come back with wet feet and tiny pebbles between my tootsies!


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I think this is a little Turnstone. There were loads of them on the beach this morning. They’re aptly named as they dart around turning over stones looking for food.


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I have absolutely no idea what this is! It is a white gelatinous mass – possibly a jellyfish washed up. I gave it a prod with my toe and it wobbled a bit. I loved the shape of it. Could those be two eyes over on the left?


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Now this house is just behind the green sward which separates it from the beach. It’s up for sale now, so if you fancy a holiday home and have £2.8m in loose change it could be yours. 


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You can see how close it is to the beach. If you’d like a look inside see here. Enjoy!!





Linda xx

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